At Home Craft Project Kits by Jocelyn Dimaya • Cash For The Arts


Artist and designer Jocelyn Dimaya is making hand sewing a family affair with project kits and easy-to-follow tutorials aimed at kids.  For Dimaya, COVID-19 restrictions have forced her rethink her business model and her personal approach to teaching.

 “I’ve turned to zoom and FaceTime lessons which are drastically different than in person learning. The uncertainty of the future is scary, but I know that right now physically distancing myself from others is the best way to show love and solidarity to my community of Bakersfield and beyond to even our global community.”

Dimaya’s “Cash for the Arts” grant is allowing the purchase of supplies for “project kits” filled with materials to make hand sewn items.  With kits in hand, families can follow the artist’s YouTube tutorials to complete the items. 

“I think people are really struggling to shelter in place in Bakersfield. They seem to be leaving their homes more often than what is truly essential. I hope that my project kits can help spark some creativity so that households not only have a few hours of time being occupied by the kits, but that they find other creative ways to enjoy their homes and spend quality time together.”

As an artist, Dimaya knows the positive impact of creativity.  She hopes her efforts will help lift spirits and give Bakersfield residents a new outlook during uncertain times.

“Art gives hope. Art helps us understand ourselves and our world. When we create something, we feel a sense of accomplishment and excitement about our day. We need that right now.”

Connect with Jocelyn


Cash for the Arts is a unique grant program by The Hub of Bakersfield that’s putting money in the hands of local creators while providing an arts experience for residents coping with social distancing and stay-at-home orders.